Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boarding School?

I did not feel like writing about this earlier but today somehow I feel like writing about this specific..issue? Whatever you want to call it..As a student, particularly, when I was in primary school I really wanted to go to boarding school. Unfortunately, fate had it that it was not meant to be..not that I did not do well in primary school..oh yes I got to stay at hostel but only as a warden when I first started working..had to.. ermm forced to..saya yang menurut, when my son was first offered to a boarding school in form 1 I was actually sad that we had to turn it down..the reason: my husband did not want him to go. I failed to persuade him and he was very firm on this, could really see his anger. The second time he was offered a place in another boarding school very near to my house, I thought both of us could rationalize it with the father but it turned out to be that my son had a change of heart..he did not want to, there went my dream. I know that if we were to debate the issue of whether it's better for the children to be at home/in a day school than in a boarding school, there would be endless arguments. At the end of the day it is left to the kid (at his age) to decide..but somehow deep inside my heart I actually wish that he had given it a try..despite the fact that the major obstacle would be to get the father's permission..sigh...


Win said...

Salam Yati,

You are right about this being a very debateable topic...I know coz I went through this incident with my daughter...but in my case, I was the one who wasn't keen for my daughter to go to STF but her dad was happy about it!and all because he went to a boarding school before and thinks it is a great opportunity. Now, after 5 years of boarding school, she is in uni..again in `boarding' and as a mom I feel I have `lost' some years being with her...although we remain very close. For our two still small sons, my husband has agreed that they will stay with us and go to day school InsyaAllah. I think whatever decisions you have made in life will always have some pros and cons to it...but as my husband tells me, "Allah is kind and rezeki tu mucul dlm pelbagai bentuk InsyaAllah"....

Yati said...

Salam Win..can't agree with you more..and my husband's strongest argument is 'the lost years'..:)
InsyaAllah, may Allah be with us..

MamaEta said...

Yati dear....where to start ya?..

I was quite surprise about u not in boarding school..coz..I knowlah u..among the top scorer..what more..pi skolah pakai tali leher lagi...

Pasti ade hikmah dan ganjaranNya dimana-mana...

Pros and cons...but I miss my doter all the time...and kekdg wish thy'r by my side..kalu kat asrama depa belajar lot on independency, time table itu dan ini.(which they complaint..penat..segala..).but kat rumah esp those with condusive envi...kalu leh disiplin..insya'Allah...pasti cemerlang akademik dan akhlak...

As win said, rezeki dtg dalam pelbagai bentuk...Payers to u and the rest...Mudah2an Allah permudahkan urusan kita semua..

p/S: Nice meeting u in fb and blog!!