Friday, April 22, 2011

The Mood is here

It has been like 5 months since I last wrote...where shall I begin actually contemplating on what to write...what to focus as there is so much going on in this head:
1. My study
This whole semester is serious work..previous semesters were more on the courses and exams..met my intended supervisor (as she is not officially appointed yet but she works with me committedly nevertheless) fifteen times and I have already submitted a short proposal for my topic defense..err not yet proposal defense. I am confident InsyaAllah that it is going to be accepted as both of us had put in a lot of efforts and hours into the work. I am being positive here coz' one of the lecturers said "what if this is not accepted" but I wasn't quick enough to answer..anyhow, I am prayinh hard now.
2. Vacation
In the midst of preparing the short proposal I managed to take a week getaway with darling husband. Something I had never dreamed of but Alhamdulillah to Allah the Almighty..the best Planner of all. Will write about this in another posting.
3. Family Matters
Everything is as usual. The children are doing ok..the same routine. I am praying for the best for all of them especially for the eldest as this is an important year for him..SPM. I have given him all that I possibly can. It is now up to him to make it happen.
MIL's condition is average. She won't be getting back to her condition considering her age. I had a fair share of taking care of her in her worse conditions..alhamdulillah. May she be strong in facing the days ahead as she is immobile now and the challenges surrounding her. All the things that happen to her really humble me. Some things are sad but the most important thing is the lessons learnt from the whole episode. What goes around comes around. For the time being, pray hard.

The title doesn't reflect the content huh?