Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The Journey

Pushing myself hard...
Pushing the negative vibes far far away...
Struggling with self is very challenging..
Is it age?
Still, the force is there..I know...

To You the Almighty...I look to you..
Rabbi Yassir Walatuassir..
Rabbi Tanmim bil khair..
Rabbi zidni 'ilman, war zugni fahman...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ana Pataniah

It has been a very long time ..been lazying out..holidaying..and of course working on the thesis..

This particular entry came about as I added another site to my bloglist..a sifu to me of her own kind

To Ana ..keep on writing..and to both of us keep on reading ( as I can't promise to keep on writing)...