Tuesday, March 6, 2012


At this age, somehow, I feel the desire to do more for the society.
I started by being a committee member in the Kelas Rancangan Khas (KRK) Parents' Council at my daughter's school though I was a bit reluctant at first. However, thinking that it was on a small scale plus parents of this group would be more reasonable/understanding I accepted it. Initially, it was just to be more involved with my daughter's school life due to certain circumstances. From then on I was elected to be a member in the school PTA. Just a committee member..ok with me albeit knowing that getting involve in such thing means work/task/responsibility. It's not just the matter of attending meetings, listening to others and that's it...a dead or to put it nicely a silent member. Personally, as far as my involvement in the KRK council, I think I have done my very best, I am satisfied with my contributions dengan izin Allah and kernaMu ya Allah. Alhamdulillah and I have people like hana@43.blogspot.com and http://drhanrais.blogspot.com, Salina Khalid, Huda, Azlinun, to thank as well.

Today, I was a bit disturbed. Having to think of my study and at the same time thinking of a programme that I am planning (or rather "have to plan")..remember agreeing to be in the committee to me means WORK...This time around on a bigger scale in the sense that I am planning for the PTA activity. The main focus is to come up with a motivational programme to help those troubled teens..you know the kinds who lack motivation, lazy to go to school etc. At this point, how I wish I had a lot of money so that I could just sponsor this programme without having to deal with different people to get a good deal in terms of the fees etc. and I don't know rich people who are willing to help for this kind of cause..I don't have the connections you see..of course I have friends who are financially able (just a couple or two ok) but it's just not me to ask "would you like to sponsor/donate...) malunya hanya Allah yang tahu. Btw, our PTA is broke okay..a new school..baru nak buat program cari dana on a bigger scale this year..so wait for my walkathon/jogathon/cyclethon card.. hehehe..

Back to my earlier predicament, so I called one institution which I knew well and hoped would be able to help but my instinct told me differently..so, I browsed the net and at the same time tried calling a dear friend of mine who had always been helping not financially but ways around it....and Alhamdulillah.....Allah opened the path, made it easy and He showed me the way by calling her.....

InsyaAllah, we can have the programme..and I will pray hard and of course work hard to help to materialize it..

And InsyaAllah we will be getting a TV personality for this ..Alhamdulillah (1000x)

Esok terus gi sekolah..set the date..

And now I can continue revising my chapters 2 and 3...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Next destination?

I pray hard that Allah the Almighty will bring us here next...InsyaAllah..

May Allah open the path and make it easy...


A dream comes true for Ameer...surprisingly, I enjoy the tour as well...

Friday, March 2, 2012


Don't really fancy chocolate especially with coconut in it but this one was just awesome..found this in one of the mini markets near a hotel in Gare du Nord..my girl loved it so much..

just look at the size....

They just had to try this..

And this....

Having fun looking at the fruit and veg stalls...

Geramm tgk fruits...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The Journey

Pushing myself hard...
Pushing the negative vibes far far away...
Struggling with self is very challenging..
Is it age?
Still, the force is there..I know...

To You the Almighty...I look to you..
Rabbi Yassir Walatuassir..
Rabbi Tanmim bil khair..
Rabbi zidni 'ilman, war zugni fahman...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ana Pataniah

It has been a very long time ..been lazying out..holidaying..and of course working on the thesis..

This particular entry came about as I added another site to my bloglist..a sifu to me of her own kind www.anapataniah.blogspot.com

To Ana ..keep on writing..and to both of us keep on reading ( as I can't promise to keep on writing)...